The Telegram social network is gaining more and more popularity every year. It has a lot of opportunities to create posts that allow users to implement their ideas when blogging. These tools help not only to spread plain text, but also to post videos in circles, as well as to conduct quizzes.
Functions of the post editor
In the channels of this social network, you can upload text messages, videos, “gifs” and photos. Users also have the opportunity to record audio messages, record videos in “circles”, arrange quizzes and ask questions to their audience. Not everyone knows, but the signature can not be attached to all types of posts. For example, it will not be possible to attribute a text record to videos in “circles”, surveys and audio messages. You cannot record an audio message and attach a text title to it. The text can be added to videos, photos, audio files and “gifs” that the user uploaded from his smartphone, and not made in the Telegram itself.
How to make a universal post (text and picture)
To create a universal post in Telegram, users will need a minimum of time. The text in one post can have a maximum length of 4096 characters. The larger number of characters will be divided into two publications. If a person wants to add a picture to a message, then the maximum possible amount of text will be reduced to 1024 characters. If a VIP user has a subscription in this social network, then the size of the text with the picture will increase by 2 times, that is, up to 2048 characters.
Text messages in Telegram can be modified. To do this, select the desired fragment (paragraph, sentence or word) and go to settings. If you have an Android operating system, then the settings will be behind the button with three dots, if an iOS, then by the arrow button. The settings offer users different ways to format text:
• bold;
• italics;
• underlined;
• crossed out;
• with the addition of a link;
• hidden – part of the text will be hidden, but when you click on it, it will open.
This social network gives users a lot of opportunities. A Telegram post can be created using a variety of effects and tools. If you navigate them well, you can create high-quality and interesting content that will attract many interested subscribers.
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